Helmut Kaufmann
CISSP Head of Cyber Security Research Lab GE
Airbus Group Innovations
Munich, Germany
“From need2know to need2share”
The vulnerability of the global cyber space has got considerable attention within the public
cognition in recent times. The impossibility to fight alone against adversaries and targeted attacks
come more and more into defenders mind. The talk will highlight the paradigm change of the security
law of need to know and acting alone to the need to share and acting in an orchestrated and collective
way. This becomes especially true in the age of M2M communication in industrial internet of things.
On the basis of research projects like ECOSSIAN the talk will show how such defense and early
warning systems could defenders help to protect their critical infrastructures.
Speaker Bio
Helmut Kaufmann, joined Airbus Group Innovations in March 2012 and is currently working in a
transnational Cyber Research Team with focus on cyber security in industrial control systems. Current
research interests include applied research of secure collaboration, incident response, intrusion
detection and honey*technologies for SCADA environments. Before joining Airbus Group
Innovations Helmut Kaufmann was professor for IT and information security at the University of
Applied Sciences St. Pölten. He has, so far, 20 years experiences in cyber security earned also as
Safety and Security Manager at Frequentis AG which is an Austrian world market leader in secure
flight control and air traffic management systems as well as a secure web specialist at the UNO
supporting a secure global infrastructure for the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization. He holds a master degree in Mathematics and Physics from
the Vienna Technical University, a master degree in Telematics Management from the Danube
University Krems and a degree in electrical engineering from the Technical College St. Pölten. |